United Kingdom: Heating, Gas Appliances & Installations - Heating, gas appliances & installations miscellaneous (20% VAT)

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Title United Kingdom: Heating, Gas Appliances & Installations - Heating, gas appliances & installations miscellaneous (20% VAT)
UK (Non OJEU) 7dda0879-cfd2-4277-a058-20df4983d524
Type Invitation to tender
Date Published 2022-11-30
Deadline 2023-01-09 00:00:00
Nature Of Contract Public works contract
Awarding Authority London Fire Brigade
Procedure Restricted procedure

Description :


I.1) Name, addresses and contact point(s):
Contact Name: Anette Griffith
Email: LCP@haringey.gov.uk
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street
Town: London
Postcode: SE1 0LL
Country: United Kingdom
Internet address: https://londonconstructionprogramme.co.uk


Title: United Kingdom: Heating, Gas Appliances & Installations - Heating, gas appliances & installations miscellaneous (20% VAT)
Reference No: 01581A7C-C6C9-4C57-94C4-166D53336C42

The heating and domestic water services systems are approximately 50 years old and have reached the end of their economical life. The heating and domestic water services require full replacement throughout the building, this will include mechanical plant, radiators, pipework, taps and waste traps. This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk

Estimated Total Value From: £500,000.00
Estimated Total Value To: £1,000,000.00

Contract start date: 2023-05-01 local time: 00:00:00
Contract end date: 2023-07-31 local time: 00:00:00

Contract is suitable for SMEs: Yes
Contract is suitable for VCSEs: No


URL: https://www.adamprocure.co.uk

CPV Codes
45000000; Construction work;

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