OJEU Workbench

Browse & Search for tenders directly on your desktop with OJEU Workbench. Generate reports in standard formats such as Microsoft Word and much more....

The OJEU Workbench software is a fork of the same software we use to generate reports for our subscribers. The software is standalone desktop application that will run on any version of Microsoft Windows. A user guide can be found here. Please read the documentation before you begin. Links to the database updates can be made available to subscribers upon request at no additional charge.

Before you begin.

If you are upgrading the software we recommend that you first create a backup of your current version. To do this simply make a copy of your existing folder.

Downloading OJEU Workbench

The latest version can be downloaded here


Upgrading OJEU Workbench

To update your existing version first download the latest software then complete the following steps.

If you have followed these simple steps correctly the upgrade is now complete. You may open the software and begin to use it as normal.