What are the OJEU thresholds?
Notices are required to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union should contracts for works, supply or services are above the following threshold:
- public works contracts worth above €4,845,000
- public supply and service contracts worth above €125,000 for central government authorities
- public supply and service contracts worth above €193,000 for sub-central entities
- public supply and service contracts worth above €387,000 for contracting authorities operating in water, energy, transport or postal services
Under the Public Sector Directive, contracting authorities must generally advertise contracts by an EU wide advertisement in the OJEU. Contract notices, usually referred to as an "Invitation to Tender", and is sent by contracting authorities in a standard form. Information that must be contained in the notice contains contact details of the contracting authority, a description of the contract and the time for delivery or performance. A standard 'Invitation to Tender' is available to view for further reference.
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- What does OJEU stand for?
- What is the OJEU?
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